Posts tagged snack
Snack Ideas to Satisfy a Hangry Runner

Are you looking for a snack that satisfies the runner hangries? You know what I'm talking about - that sudden urge to eat everything in sight and you must have it now before you snap your [insert friend, teammate, coworker, significant other or random stranger]. If it's been 3-4 hours and you haven't eaten something and have no plans for a meal in the near future, then follow my 3 tips for a snack that satisfies the hangry monster! ⠀

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It's Here! Pantry Staples for Runners and Recipe Idea #2

Alright here it is! My pantry list for runners! These are things we have all the time in our pantry. They make meal prep, batch cooking and recipe making that much easier. Some of the items have specific benefits for runners which I’ve tried to include, whereas other items are just good old-fashioned staple foods to always make sure you have in stock in the event of something like the current state of affairs happens.

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Pumpkin Protein Cookies - Perfect Post-Workout Fuel!

Do you struggle with your appetite following a hard workout? Or do you know you have to eat but even the thought of it makes you nauseous? I've been there. And trust me. You'll feel better once you do. These cookies are just the thing to munch on when you don’t have much of an appetite or need some quick fuel post workout. Enjoy!

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